Friday, October 7, 2016




"Cain's wife was Luluwa

 their sons [Cain and Luluwa's]... were Atun and Henokh

Atun succeeded his father as king in Kish (c. 3,500 BCE). He is detailed in the Sumerian annals as King Etana

 The other son, Henokh, is better known to us from the Bible as Enoch.

rad was the son of Enoch in the biblical account of the descendants of Cain (Genesis 4:18). He is mentioned also in relation to Seth’s descendant, Jared.

Mehujael was a descendant of Cain, the son of Irad and the father of Methusael (Genesis 4:18)

Methusael was a descendant of Cain, the son of Mehujael and father of Lamech (Genesis 4:18).

Lamech (Amalek, AKALEM-DUG)

Tubal-Cain, King of Ur (Mes-Kalam-dug)

Na'amah, a daughter (who may have married Noah)

LamechKing of Ur, was the name of two men in the genealogies of Adam in the Book of Genesis. One is the sixth generation descendant of Cain (Genesis 4:18); his father was named Methusael and he was responsible for the "Song of the Sword." He is also noted as the first polygamist mentioned in the Bible, taking two wives, Ada and Tselah.

 it would appear much more likely that Lamech was Noah’s father-in-law (instead of his father), the in-law bit being accomplished by Noah’s marriage to Na'amah. In fact, because of the similarities between the two lines, some critical scholarship regards both Lamechs as one and the same individual. Many more conservative scholars see no reason to confuse the two. One tradition specifically indicates that Na'amah, the daughter of Tselah and Lamech, son of Methushael, was the wife of Noah, the son of the other Lamech (son of Methuselah).


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